Friday, February 11, 2011

I Love Encouragement!

Just got this incredibly encouraging note from a dear friend that I've known for a looong time...

" sounds like the church you are at and your heart for adoption go hand in hand.
It's wonderful how God placed you there! I loved the article about being single and adopting.
If anyone can make that happen it would be you. You are so good with kids and given your personality I think you are perfectly gifted to handle all the juggling that goes with running a studio, homeschooling and the like. You would make a wonderful parent. I know that you would have a great support system in your church."

Thanks, my friend!!! You're an amazing example of a Godly woman who loves & supports her awesome husband, and who takes her responsibility seriously to raise children who love & honor God above all else! I will always remember our first "hanging out times" together, right after you became a believer, and how you have allowed God to mold & shape you into the image of His son. You're awesome! Can anyone say "Proverbs 31 Woman"?!?!  ;-)

Now, lest the rest of you think that I posted my friend's quote out of vanity or any kind of ego... May it never be! First, my love language is "words of affirmation", and my dear friend's words absolutely made my day! Second, I have this sneaking suspicion that I am going to need that kind of encouragement many times along the road to adoption, as well as after the adoption is finalized & I finally have my child(ren) home with me! Tell me moms, which of you wouldn't LOVE to read those kind of encouraging words every time you struggle in motherhood?!?

To all of you moms out there (especially MY mom!)... Keep up the great work! You have the most important & treasured of jobs in the world, and you are awesome!

Til next time...


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